
The paper is devoted the study of carbohy-drates in the composition of nutrient media for creation a collection of vines in vitro. The re-search was carried out in 2018‒2022 on the col-lection of vine plants in vitro at the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemak-ing named after Ya.I. Potapenko. Carbohy-drates in cultural media play the role of the main nutrition for plants, and also affect the osmotic characteristics of the liquid, which can be used to regulate the intensity of physiologi-cal processes. Sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, and mannitol have been studied as sources of car-bohydrate nutrition. The concentrations of car-bohydrates contributing to long-term non-stop storage in the collection of the grapevine gene pool in vitro were determined.

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