
Current trends in the development of the horticulture industry have shown that in order to meet the needs of the Russian population for fruits and berries, it is necessary to expand the plantations of these crops. Clonal micropropagation is a modern method of mass, accelerated vegetative propagation of plants, which is widely used in the production of domestic planting material for garden plants. However, given that most of the nutrient media used today in the practice of clonal micropropagation were created in 70–80 years of XX century, there is a need to improve its optimal compos ition. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to study the effect of replacing inorganic salts of all microelements that are part of the nutrient medium with complexonates of microelements with a carboxyl-containing ligand – E DTA. A comparative evaluation of the studied nutrient media revealed a significant advantage in plant regeneration ability in all strawberry cultivars on modified nutrient medium No. 1, where the deviation of the multiplier coefficients of the experimental variants from the control was 0.6–1.8 units on the second passage and 0.9–2.9 units. on the third. At the stage of rhizogenesis, the experimental strawberry microplants were highly sensitive to the nutrient media, and the rooting of microrosettes exceeded that of the control by 6.2–25.0% on the 28th day of subcultivation.

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