
New data on the peculiarities of the growth and development of plants of the Mahrovatchik and Belobulaniy grape varieties during subcultiva-tion, depending on the location of donor micro-gears on the shoot, are presented. There are 3 types of micro gears:type 1−1–4 micro gears from the lower part of the shoot, type 2 –from the middle part, 5−8 from the base of the shoot; type 3 − from the upper part of the shoot, 9−12 from the base of the shoot. When cultivated in conditions of high temperature and low humidi-ty, the best development was noted in the plants of the Mahrovatchik variety formed from the eyes of the middle part of the shoot. Inhibi-tion of shoot growth and higher plant viability during the entire cultivation period allows us to consider type 1 (bottom) of micro-gears optimal for laying a collection, and micro-gears of the upper and middle part of the shoot to be used for mass reproduction of the Belobulaniy varie-ty. The high regenerative ability of the ripened micro-gears of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety has been proven.

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