
Таджики д. Сичарог: к антропологии населения Центрального Таджикистана. Сообщение I: дискретно-варьирующие признаки черепа


  • The article presents some results of the analysis of cranial non-metric traits in a craniological sample of the close to contemporary population (XVIII–XX cc AD) from Central Tajikistan

  • Studied material is obtained from the rescue archaeological excavation in the zone of construction of the Rogun Hydroelectric power station (Republic of Tajikistan, Districts of republican subordination, cemetery Sicharog or Rogun-1)

  • In addition to counting the frequencies of 36 cranial non-metric traits, transformed into radians, and calculation of the fluctuating asymmetry indexes, the research procedure includes the comparative analysis of this series with fifteen modern and near-modern samples using the multidimensional Cluster and Correspondence analysis

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Материалы и методы

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