
This review analyzes the problem of invasion of Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. under the influence of various environmental factors. Particular attention is paid to abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors. The influence of these factors on invasiveness is considered on specific examples. It has been established that among abiotic factors, temperature, humidity, light, wind speed and direction, duration and depth of snow cover, terrain, and elemental composition of the soil play the main role in the distribution of H. sosnowskyi. The totality of abiotic factors generally determines the confinement of H. sosnowskyi to areas of a cool humid climate. Increased humidity, the presence of snow cover, low positive temperatures in the autumn-winter and early spring periods create conditions for seed stratification, which ensures the viability of hogweed. Various interspecific interactions, along with other environmental factors, make a significant contribution to the invasiveness of H. sosnowskyi. The determining biotic factor in the case of this species is competition for resources. However, despite the allelоpathic activity of hogweed, it can be the object of parasitic invasion of some plant species, for example, vines of Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray. The introduction of H. sosnowskyi into natural phytocenoses depends on their density, it is also closely related to pollinators and phytophages. The connection of the plant with soil microbial communities is noted, which have both positive and negative effects on the invasion of H. sosnowskyi. Among anthropogenic factors, the greatest contribution to the invasiveness of H. sosnowskyi is made by the movement of soils contaminated with viable seeds of this plant during construction, the transfer of seeds with various modes of transport. Deforestation plays a significant role in the invasiveness of H. sosnowskyi, during which the structure and composition of vegetation changes. The distribution of hogweed is due not only to environmental factors acting in combination, but also to its high adaptability to various environmental conditions. In this regard, in order to determine the method of combating H. sosnowskyi, it is important to take into account not only the effectiveness of measures, but also the role of environmental factors that determine the viability of this plant.

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