
Despite the severe COVID-19 pandemic situation since 2020, the Chinese ancient history academia in Korea has made meaningful achievements while adapting to the non-face-to-face research environment. Active exchanges with overseas academics took place research papers grew in quantity, and academically important books continued to be published.BR Amid these achievements, the trend of research related to ancient china over the past two years shows the transition to new approaches (in Chinese ancient history), which break down existing barriers between academic disciplines and which are sharing new data and various methodologies.BR Therefore, this paper intends to collect and summarize the achievements of history, archeology, philosophy, literature, and literary studies over the past two years, as much as possible, focusing on ancient Chinese history. In addition, studies on the history of disasters and environments of ancient China have been conducted considerably in the context of the corona pandemic.BR In this paper, the research achievements of the past two years are classified into ‘History of pre-Qin’, ‘History of Qin-Han empire’, and ‘Others’, and then divided into several detailed sub-topics.BR In recent new trends of researches, it is expected that the Chinese ancient history academia will achieve gradual improvements in research while exploring new methodologies with new data. And in this process, the most necessary virtue is an open attitude toward other disciplines.

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