
2020 was the year of the return to the catwalks of the legendary image of Margaret Thatcher, who had a global impact on all world politics. Designers and artists, representatives of generations X and Y, whose maturation period fell during the reign of Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990), were so strongly influenced by her image that 30 years after the departure of the "iron lady" from big politics, they return to re-evaluate her influence on the creation of an artistic image in fashion. The image of Margaret Thatcher occupies one of the leading places in the female political image, which speaks silently, using visual codes. Studying the legacy of Margaret Thatcher, the article uses the traditional method of formal style analysis for art criticism. The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the cultural and artistic influence of the image of Margret Thatcher on the art of the latest fashion, to free it from the biased context, to put modernity in view, to give an objective characteristic of the visual codes of the image, as well as to explore the extensive visual legacy of the "iron lady" as a key to a deeper understanding of her character

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