
The Arab Language Magazine, a monthly literary magazine, was issued by Father Anastas al-Karmali, a philologist, in Baghdad in 1911 AD. It stopped in 1914 and then reappeared from 1926 until 1931, the magazine dealt with the social conditions of Iraq and its surroundings, as social issues found space on the magazine’s pages that occupied not a few percentages. In addition to the social articles, there was a chapter (the history of the month’s events(. The chapter (the facts of the month) includes many social aspects, as the magazine concluded its parts with this chapter and this chapter included the transmission of all the news of Iraq and its surroundings in that era, which included the social aspects as the most important problems faced by society, such as the (fire) crisis that swept Iraq in Different regions and times. While the magazine provided a population census of Iraq in more than one article in addition to its interest in the health and preventive aspect, the magazine also broadcast news of the deaths of Iraqi and international dignitaries associated with the Iraqi kingdom at the time. key words: (The language of the Arabs magazine, Population, telephone the plague, Capital Municipality)

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