
Первое знакомство: «Литература американских негров» в освещении советской критики 1920-х гг.


  • Soviet leaders and Comintern stressed the importance of the “Negro problem” in the struggle against American imperialism; African American literature was considered a part of the “battlefield” as well, so an ideologically bound image of “American Negro literature” was on the agenda

  • First translations of African American literature appear in the early 1920s together with its first reviews and essays

  • McKay’s reputation in the USSR underwent a considerable change during the 1920s: introduced as a revolutionary writer and a “friend of the Soviet Union”, in the late 1902s he was stigmatized as a “petty bourgeois Black nationalist”

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Делегат IV Конгресса Коминтерна, который был выбран в СССР на роль «лидера» негритянской литературы. Тем не менее Дюбуа знали в СССР, и не только как

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