
The purpose of the research is to shed light on the Ukrainian-Polish relations during the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1919-1920 in the vision of Andrii Livytskyi. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and systematicity, which, when applying a concrete-historical approach, allows to significantly deepen the knowledge about the foreign policy and diplomacy of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, in particular, regarding the regulation of relations with the restored Polish state. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the work of domestic historians, the published documents, and the involvement of new archival sources, an attempt was made to comprehensively investigate the process of implementing the state course of the Ukrainian authorities on the settlement of relations with the Second Polish Republic. Conclusions. The Ukrainian People’s Republic authorities were clearly aware of the need to establish relations with Poland, without which it would not be possible to win Ukrainian statehood. Therefore, one of the directions of the foreign policy of the power structures was the building of relations with the restored Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. At the origins of this process stood Chief Ataman S. Petliura, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People’s Ministers and head of the diplomatic mission of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Poland A. Livytskyi, Chief Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic I. Ohienko, as well as authoritative public figures and representatives of various Ukrainian political parties. Despite all the difficulties of a military, political, and socio-economic nature, the state leadership tried to comply with the established terms of the agreement to the extent of their limited capabilities. A. Livytskyi’s visions give us the opportunity to reveal the content of the negotiations with the Polish state in 1919-1920 and to trace Ukrainian-Polish relations during the period of the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1921. In many of his letters, A. Livytskyi emphasized that on the political horizon of Europe, large and important events in which Ukrainians should take an active part and as a result of which major changes should take place in Ukraine. These visions of Livytskyi help us to better understand his views on Ukrainian-Polish relations and the role of Ukraine in the international arena during the revolution of 1917-1921.

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