
The “Electroperedacha” (Electric Transmission) power plant represents an important attainment in the field of architecture, urban planning and power engineering. This plant has been in operation since 1914 to the present day. Based on the original blueprints the authorship of the project was identified – it was created by Hermann Muthesius, the co-founder of the Deutsche Werkbund. The article provides a greater knowledge of the Muthesius’s heritage due to the discovery of his first and the only one project in Russia. Furthermore, the article examines the modernization of the plant in the 1920s with the participation of the VKHUTEMAS Architecture Faculty Dean Edgar Norvert. At the beginning of the 20th century, in Germany, Werkbund masters elaborated a new approach to the architecture based on the unity of art and industry. The research regards the close relationship between Russia and Germany in the field of electrification, owing to which the creation of the “Electroperedacha” power plant became possible. To conclude, the preservation and revitalization of industrial architecture is an important social and cultural process, and this published information can be regarded as a contribution to it.

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