
The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze ecclesiology, the doctrine of the Church, offered by the participants of Religious and philosophical meetings (1901–1903) from the “party” of the intelligentsia (Ternavtsev, Merezhkovsky, Rozanov, Philosofov, Minsky, Romanov), as well as to show its secular and political nature. This ecclesiology contained the following provisions: change in Christian dogma was declared possible; the Church was differentiated as “historical” and “mystical”; the main flaw of the “historical” Church being that it preached only the heavenly and ignored the worldly ideals; the worldly principles were declared autonomous and equal to the divine principles; the intelligentsia proposed the way of Christianizing the world and returning the Church to its “fullness”, in which not the world approached the Church, but the Church approached the world and became a worldly, secular institution; the secularization of the Church in this context meant the introduction of Protestant and pagan elements into the Christian doctrine.

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