
The essay highlights traditions, customs, relationships, morals and manners of the Asians and the Europeans as represented in Ivan Bunin’s famous collection Dark Avenues. This article is an attempt to demonstrate the specificity of Bunin’s vision of national mentality shaped both by national identity and by the place where a person belongs to, be it a civilized urban space or a countryside. Russian mentality reveals itself to the fullest when explored against the background of the Russian estate house that became a spiritual home for Bunin in emigration. Bunin discloses the ambiguity of the Russian national character that combines spirituality with vulgarity, empathy and compassion with unrestrained craving for living life to its fullest each day and lack of discipline. The impetuous nature of the Russians is opposed to the more reserved character of other nations. Different attitudes to life and death disclose different cultural codes affected by Catholic and Orthodox traditions. In his ontology of love, Bunin explores, with deep interest, the dark avenues of the human soul, beamed through the national mentality.


  • Russian mentality reveals itself to the fullest when explored against the background of the Russian estate house that became a spiritual home for Bunin in emigration

  • Bunin discloses the ambiguity of the Russian national character that combines spirituality with vulgarity, empathy and compassion with unrestrained craving for living life to its fullest each day and lack of discipline

  • Different attitudes to life and death disclose different cultural codes affected by Catholic and Orthodox traditions

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На рубеже XX–XXI вв. исследование национальной идентичности стало одним из приоритетных направлений отечественных гуманитарных наук. Проблему национальных особенностей писатель затрагивает в романе «Жизнь Арсеньева», когда автобиографический герой делится своим «ощущеньем России», размышляет, как он, еще ребенок, «вдруг почувствовал эту Россию, почувствовал ее прошлое и настоящее, ее дикие, страшные и все же чем-то пленяющие особенности и свое кровное родство с ней...» [20, с.

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