
The article develops an algorithm of philological evaluation of a poetic idiolect, determines the components of the language competence of its carrier; on this basis presents the speech portrait of O. Mandelstam in the context of modern Russian poetry. The study shows that the linguistic competence of the poetic idiolect carrier is represented by two components: 1) speech culture competence, the level of which is inversely dependent with respect to the number of a) the orthological ans stylistic mistakes made by them; b) their types and subtypes; 2) elocutive competence, the level of which is determined by the number of stylistic techniques used by them. The evaluation of the speech culture competence is possible on the basis of a general typology of speech errors; for this purpose, a list of typical for modern poetic speech errors and shortcomings is compiled: if these errors and shortcomings regularly appear in the author’s texts, this indicates that he has problems in this area. The proposed test allows to identify poets with impeccable cultural competence and those whose competence leaves much to be desired. The evaluation of the elocutive competence is made on the basis of the general typology of figures (including rhythmic ones) and semantic transfers. One of the most significant criteria for evaluating elocutive competence is an ability to produce new stylistic techniques and speech genres, i. e. its creative component, in this aspect O. Mandelstam appears as a creator of at least two speech genres that have become a familiar attribute of modern Russian poetry: 1) an acromonosyllabic verse with a terminal spondaic caesura; 2) a free dolnik formed through the procedure of secondary verse division.

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