
. The article discusses the main directions of development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tourism sector is one of the most promising areas of the economy of any state. The multiplicative effect of the development of tourism activities for all sectors of the country's economic activity is emphasized. The article presents a system of accounting indicators in statistics Reupsblick Kazakhstan. To unlock the tourism potential, the creation of appropriate infrastructure is necessary. The statistical data on the development of the tourism sector for 2018 is analyzed on the basis of the statistical data of the Committee on Statistics of the Republic. The indicators of the number of people entering and leaving the country by region in the context of sanatorium-resort zones are considered. The paper emphasizes the structural differentiation of tourism destinations and individual spheres. The directions of the development of the tourism infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan are examined in the context of the existing spa facilities and nature-protected territories of the regions, including those belonging to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and of unique importance. The need for reorganization of the country's construction complex for the development of the tourism industry and the creation of infrastructure facilities of the complex is noted. The specific directions of the development of the construction complex are highlighted. The paper notes the prospects for the development of the Mangystau region, and the whole of Western Kazakhstan. The article notes the prospects for the development of traditional sanatorium-resort zones and protected areas. A conceptual scheme of the functioning of the country's construction concern is proposed with the identification of the integration processes of tourism organizations, construction divisions and design and engineering firms and companies by developing a network of enterprises in the construction industry. The paper considers the areas of regional specialization and the features of industrial development and the development of a multisectoral economy. The work emphasizes the possibility of enhancing tourism activities through the further integration of all actors in eco-economic activity. The work reflects the directions of development of certain areas of tourist potential of the regions. The article emphasizes the need to enhance public policy in the development of a promising sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article emphasizes. that the proposed list of directions for the placement of subregional units in the regions is conditional and should be coordinated taking into account the map of the placement of tourist facilities of the regions in all directions and its diverse types and forms.

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