
The article deals with the problems of ecology and managing natural resources. The author investigated the main sources influencing on the environment and identified the processes that don’t allow the environment to be clean.
 The author shows the distribution of harmful substances emissions as a result of the impact of automobile transport, the dependence of the concentration of harmful substances in the different categories of vehicles is presented, the predominant pollutant chemical compounds from automobile transport are revealed, also the most dangerous factors of transport pollution, affecting on the health of the population are identified, the norms of harmful substances emissions into the atmosphere (the maximum allowable levels), actual data and comparative analysis of emissions into the atmosphere by 2005, 2010 2013 are given.
 The article presents the results of analysis of the influence of thermal power plants on the ecological state of the environment and their impact on health of population, and particularly highlighted the results of the ash and slag dumps TPP environmental impact, the analysis of which allowed to reveal extent of exerted environmental damage, that defined by composition of ash, preserving type, physiographic and climatic characteristics of the area. In addition to the negative impact of thermal power plants on the environment, there is considered the significant harm caused by wastewater discharges of TPP into water bodies, the sources of which are petroleum products, chlorides, sulfates, salts of heavy metals and other.
 The author carried out the monitoring of pollutants emissions into the atmosphere and water bodies and offered the ways to solve this problem for improving the state of the environment and water.

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