
Feline respiratory infectious diseases have spread to many countries around the world. The isolation of a specific pathogen and its identification are of great importance. It is also important for the use of specific agents for the treatment and prevention of these diseases. In 2019-2020 the studies at the private veterinary clinic «Aibolit» in Kharkiv were conducted in the conditions of private breeding cattery for cats in the city and using the equipment of the educational - scientific laboratory of molecular - genetic research methods at KHZVA. Materials for research were cats of different breeds and sex-age groups with clinical signs of respiratory diseases, as well as biomaterials from them (blood and nasal discharge), which were studied both by virological methods and PCR. The nosological profile of respiratory infectious diseases of cats in Kharkiv is formed by 3 nosological units. In 24% of cases, the clinical manifestations of rhinotracheitis in cats were caused by the association of two or three pathogens (calicivirus, herpesvirus and chlamydia). The herpes viruses accounted for 33.1% of the total samples of cats’ biomaterials that were examined. From animals with infection using PCR herpes virus was isolated in 83.8% of cases. In 55 cases (42.6%) this virus was the only pathogen that was detected. The analysis of the disease of cats taking into account their age showed that rhinotracheitis was more often affected by young cats at the age of 1.5-3.5 months to 5.5 years and older. Cats that were kept individually and in groups were ill. Cats of certain breeds were sick. Cases of the disease were recorded more often in spring and autumn. The disease proceeded in respiratory, conjunctival and less often in genital forms. The main pathway to isolate the rhinotracheitis pathogen into the external environment was respiratory, with outflows from the nasal cavity of animals, where they were detected in an amount of 2.03 ± 0.12 lg TCD 50 / ml - 2.05 ± 0.16 lg TCD 50 / ml. (by age group) even with latent infection. The pathogen was isolated in 38,4% of cats with clinical manifestations of the disease using PCR. In 23.8% of cases the herpes virus was isolated as the only pathogen.


  • Feline respiratory infectious diseases have spread to many countries around the world

  • The nosological profile of respiratory infectious diseases of cats in Kharkiv is formed by 3 nosological units

  • In 24% of cases, the clinical manifestations of rhinotracheitis in cats were caused by the association of two or three pathogens

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The pathogen was isolated in 38,4% of cats with clinical manifestations of the disease using PCR. Материалами для исследований были кошки различных пород и половозрастных групп с клиническими признаками респираторных заболеваний, а также биоматериалы от них (кровь и смывы из носовой полости), которые исследовались как вирусологическими методами, так и в ПЦР. По результатам лабораторных исследований с использованием ПЦР частота выделения вируса от животных с клиническим проявлением инфекции составляла 83,8 %, к тому же - в 55 случаях (42,6 %) в моновариантах. Ключові слова: коти, респіраторні хвороби, герпесвірусна інфекція, ринотрахеїт котів. Місто Харків також є неблагополучним з респіраторних інфекцій котів, про що свідчить аналіз причин звернення власників тварин до ветеринарних клінік Харкова у 2019–2020 роках. При груповому утриманні котів (розплідники, притулки для тварин, утримання прайдами) хвороба може суттєво поширюватися і набувати характеру стійкої ензоотії

Захворювання частіше реєструється в холодну
Результати та їх обговорення інтенсивність поширення та особливості перебігу
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Каліцивіроз і хламідіоз
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Calicivirus Field Strain Infections of Cats in a Research
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