
The article is devoted to the history of bells and bell-ringing art on the territory of present Kemerovo Region. The topicality of the article is in considering this phenomenon as a part of the historical and cultural heritage. The unique technology and ringing art, the Orthodox faith and a special way of life of the Russian people and bells joined in the history of bells. Bell ringing has developed into a large-scale, national phenomenon; the state and the Russian society recognize its aesthetic value. Based on archival documents, materials of the periodical press of pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods, research works of historians and ethnographers, the authors demonstrate the formation of the bell-instrumental image of the region and highlight different historical periods: from the construction of the first bell towers, the complete prohibition of bell ringing to their revival, and the formation of new traditions. It is concluded that the situation with bells and ringing traditions is significantly dependent on the Church policy of the state in a certain historical period. It is specific that, throughout the study period, most of the bell ringers received and receive a small monetary reward for their obedience, and therefore, many of them tend to leave this job as soon as possible, replacing it with a more paid one. The current situation is certain not to contribute to the development and improvement of bell-ringing art. Nowadays, a small number of bells and the lack of its own bell production in Kuzbass region cannot contribute to solving the problem of restoring the Russian bell tradition. For the full revival of the bell-ringing tradition in the region, it is also necessary to have a competent complete set of bell funds, which today can hardly be described as organized and systematic. Bell rebounds are packed mainly at random. However, the situation has changed in recent years as instruments with planned ringing have got used. The authors make a conclusion about the necessity of the analysis of bell funds, their classification, and the identification of accounting and certification issues. Today, the revival of the art of bell ringing is based on both the preservation of old traditions and the formation of new ones. An important role in the development and popularization of the bell tradition is played by the activities of Orthodox bell ringers’ courses, festivals, exhibitions, master classes. All this forms the bell-instrumental image of Kuzbass region.

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