
The article is devoted to the procedural procedure for the seizure of electronic media, taking into account the general rules for the production of investigative actions. The problems of regulating the production of investigative actions, within which it is possible to seize electronic media and law enforcement practice on this issue, are subjected to a detailed study and analysis. It also formulated conclusions and proposals for amendments aimed at eliminating insufficiently clear regulation of legislation and improving law enforcement practice.
 The main goal of the scientific work is to form a correct understanding of the determination of the grounds and the procedural procedure for the seizure of electronic media of information in the course of investigative actions in compliance with the requirements of the criminal procedure law. For this, some scientific ideas on this issue have been analyzed, the provisions of the criminal procedure law in terms of general rules for the production of investigative actions and other provisions of the law related to the procedure for the seizure of electronic media have been studied in detail, law enforcement practice has been studied. We used formal logical, descriptive, comparative legal methods and the method of interpreting legal norms.
 The result of the scientific research is conclusions and proposals on the features of the seizure of electronic media in criminal cases in the field of entrepreneurial activity, on the participation of a specialist and attesting witnesses in the seizure or copying of information from electronic media.

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