
The quintessence of the theory of "The Clash of Civilizations" presented by American political expert Samuel P. Huntington in his book ‘The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order’ is that the cause of wars and disputes in the world, after the end of the cold war between the United States and Russia, will not be various ideologies but the main reasons behind discord and strife will be cultural and religious identities of people. Far-sighted persons know that before Huntington many western thinkers have also expressed similar views. Western concept of ‘The Clash of Civilizations’ is such a reality that existed centuries before P. Huntington’s book and is there even today. The early signs of this civilizational clash are present in the establishment of European colonization and in the history of crusades. Professor Huntington explains that the clash between Islam and western civilization has become inevitable. Clearly stating the hidden agenda of establishing global western supremacy, he has expressed his apprehension that Islam can upset the current global power balance. Therefore, he has proposed to the western leadership that it should adopt such exploitative strategies against other civilizations so that it only can remain the dominant civilization in the world. It is for this reason that the west is continuously following an aggressive policy against other civilizations. Being mindful of the Islamic way of thinking, a research-based analytical review of this concept of civilizational clash has been taken in this paper. In the light of Islamic teachings and Muslim thought, it has been made clear that Islam rejects the concept of the clash of civilizations rather it teaches civilizational coexistence and holding dialogue. This is the concept through which peace and security can prevail in the world.
 Keywords: Clash of Civilizations, Huntington, Islamic Thoughts, Western Supremacy, Peaceful Coexistence.
 * اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، شعبہ اسلامیات، آزاد جموں و کشمیر یونی ورسٹی، مظفر آباد

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