
Аbstract. Total hip arthroplasty is one of the modern and effective methods of surgical treatment of serious diseases and injuries, which today has moved from the category of unique operations to that of common planned surgical interventions. Objective. To highlight the role of physical therapy in the recovery process of persons after total hip arthroplasty, to analyze and compare modern foreign and domestic approaches to physical therapy of persons after this surgery. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature. Results. Despite technical complexity, total hip arthroplasty is today one of the most common and successful orthopedic interventions in the world and the «gold standard» of treatment. Physical therapy after total arthroplasty is an integral part of the recovery process and is included in the standards of treating pathologies of the hip joint and surgical treatment in particular. Its goal is maximum functionality and independence of the patient, as well as minimizing complications and improving the quality of life. Despite constant improvement of the endoprosthesis procedure and the appearance of modern high-quality endoprosthesis materials, extensive experience of orthopedic traumatologists, specialists in recovery and rehabilitation, about 12 % of patients have various complications after surgery, which in most cases leads to permanent disability. Many experts believe that the insufficiently developed algorithm of patient management, including his recovery, is one of the main reasons for the development of complications and slowing down the recovery process. Algorithm of physical therapy of persons after total hip arthroplasty has been developed in accordance with modern approaches based on evidence-based medicine. It is the key to the most successful and rapid return of the patient to productive life.


  • Total hip arthroplasty is one of the modern and effective methods of surgical treatment of serious diseases and injuries, which today has moved from the category of unique operations to that of common planned surgical interventions

  • Physical therapy after total arthroplasty is an integral part of the recovery process and is included in the standards of treating pathologies of the hip joint and surgical treatment in particular

  • Algorithm of physical therapy of persons after total hip arthroplasty has been developed in accordance with modern approaches based on evidence-based medicine

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Адекватна і своєчасна фізична терапія (ФТ) після ТЕП КС має надзвичайно важливе значення для профілактики ускладнень, прискорення процесу відновлення пацієнта та повернення його до активного життя [14]. Існують певні відмінності в термінології, тривалості періодів реабілітаційного втручання, методах, які застосовуються у ФТ, що імовірно продиктовано дещо різними підходами до лікування та реабілітації, тривалістю перебування пацієнта у стаціонарі і головне, – відсутністю єдиного уніфікованого протоколу фізіотерапевтичного втручання як в Україні, так і за кордоном [7].

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