
In the original and colorful gallery of heroes, created by the great Armenian poet and prose writer Avetik Isahakyan, a Russian emigrant officer, the main hero of the story “The Dream of Captain V. Pavlovich”, occupies s special place. The former captain of the tsarist, and then the Kolchak army, Vladimir Pavlovich visits the Paris restaurant of his old acquaintance, the former Moscow restaurateur Kuzma Matfeich, to pour out his longing. The action develops through dialogue, and Isahakyan skillfully reveals step by step the folds of the captain’s soul, illuminates the darkest corners of this “mysterious Russian soul”, thereby revealing the tragedy of Russian emigrants. In Vladimir Pavlovich’s long monologues intertwine the past, present and future, myth and reality, and this two play a significant role in all three periods of time, transform into each other or are compared to each other, thereby helping the author to complete what he said. With its cruel truthfulness, the depth of penetration into the soul of a Russian person, a Russian emigrant and artistic qualities, Isahakyan’s story “The Dream of Captain V. Pavlovich” is one of the best examples of Armenian prose and at the same time one of the best works written on this topic in general. It is high time to translate it into Russian and other languages and present it to a foreign reader so that it takes its rightful plase among the well-known works on the theme of Russian emigrants.

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