
The article examines the influence of the ideology and political practice of right-wing populism on European skepticism. The objective reasons for the development of European skepticism and right-wing populism are due to contradictions between national and supranational authorities. The beginning of the 21st century was marked by an acute global economic crisis, which stimulated the activation of various populist movements that take advantage of the favorable conditions of the ambivalence of many traditional political ideologies, the blurring of the demarcation lines between the «center-right» and «center-left», and the decline of classic mass political parties. A polarized political culture is quickly turning into a breeding ground for populists. The driving force of left populism was the «old left»: socialists, anarchists, Trotskyists, who entered into an alliance with protectionist trade unions. The second ideological stream consists of those who protest against the rapid disappearance of the old world and the strengthening of global competition. Anti-American sentiments are popular among left and right populism in Europe. The process of European integration in its crisis points of development gives rise to various inversion tendencies, which are aimed at opposing the formation of a more cohesive European Union as an effective model of post-national democracy. The prospects of populist left and right parties in the EU member states depend on their ability to effectively balance different social interests, offering «simple» solutions to complex systemic problems. The price of election campaigns (Internet advertising) has increased. Big sponsors allocate money to politicians to achieve their specific goals and therefore look for exactly such candidates who will push such goals. The struggle for political earnings drains time, resources and enthusiasm. As a result, citizens as a whole are polarized and become politically uncompromising. In this way, populists simply fulfill the wishes of their voters. Populism is also facilitated by the new information environment. Social media offers post truth and a variety of highly specialized topics and points of view. People get locked into their info menu. Virtual reality is killing real democracy. Social capital as a network of public institutions, the norms of reciprocity and trust that arise from them, is declining.

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