
KLENThe range of studies of Yurii Klen’s short stories has expanded signifi cantly recently. Among other aspects, researchers have focused on the archetypal nature of his prose. However, in this vector of studies of the author’s poetics, the interest in «psychological» archetypes still prevails – the Self, the Shadow, the Anima, the Animus, etc. Meanwhile, the writer’s active appeal to the fundamental im-ages of nature, the so-called archetypes of «primordial elements» is obvious. The study of their functional role in the authpor’s fi ctional system can lead to the solution in fundamental problems of Yurii Klen’s poetics.The peculiarities of the fi ctional world of the novel «Acacia» are largely deter-mined by the individual authorial embodiment of the archetypes of the primordial material elements, primarily Fire and Water. The author explains their dominant functions in accordance with the «mystical» plot of the novella and the intricate visionary and oneiric imagination of the main character. In the work, the arche-type of fi re is endowed with destructive and deadly power, while water embodies life-giving symbolism. Words and expressions related to the semantics of burning create an extremely wide fi eld in the text. This is «Fire» itself, and its equivalents, synonyms and derivatives. The motifs of heat, fl ame, fuel and the metaphors of burning, shining, explosion mediated by them become the variant-content realiza-tion of the archetype of the Fire. They echo in various plot situations and discursive representations, which receive an appropriate linguistic and stylistic design. The destructive element of the Fire in the text of the novella is opposed by various manifestations of the Water, which carries life-giving symbolism. The mediated collision of the Fire and the Water in the novella implies the idea of the eternal op-position of these two forces and a certain balancing sense of their interdependence. These key archetypes of primordial elements in the Yurii Klen’s fi ctional world perform the functions of expressing the fundamentals of Being, actualizing the dominants of life and death as a metaphysical vortex of all that exists

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