
The article is devoted to the study of the ethical traditions of domestic medicine and medical education in the development of the theory and practice of time resource management in the healthcare system since the formation of domestic clinical medicine, in the conditions of zemstvo medicine, the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. On the one hand, the actively developing processes of digitalization of the domestic healthcare system open up wide opportunities in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, on the other hand, they give rise to a number of unprecedented problems, in particular, in the field of ethics. Their solution requires trained specialists with interdisciplinary humanitarian knowledge and is associated with the need to humanize modern domestic higher medical education, one of the most important problems of which is the reduction of humanitarian training and, as a result, the loss of educational function. The wide scale of the development of technical capabilities, the variety of pharmaceuticals, experiments in the organization of health care have created a situation where, behind an array of various innovations in the pursuit of rational use of time in the time management of the health care system, a person with his unique subjective characteristics has receded into the background.

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