
The article analyzes the mechanism of consolidation the principle of redistribution of social powers in the Russian legislation, problems and ways to solve some of them. The author pays attention to the fact that some of social powers are referred to the joint jurisdiction of the Federation and the subjects under the Federation Treaty; later legislation continued this trend. However, when transferring the powers at the legislative level, the difference in the social and economic situation of regions and municipalities was not taken into account; subjects were not provided with funding of powers. Tax reform 2005 made municipalities dependent on the regions financially, for which the criteria for the aid amount to municipalities wasn’t indicated. Transfer of the regional tax to local budgets does not eliminate the differentiation, as it is done by the same standards. To resolve problems at the local level some amendments to the 131th Federal Law were adopted in 2014: the powers of the Federation must be transferred to the municipality only with the finances for their implementation, the decision to transfer must be valid for the entire term of the regional parliament, the law on the transfer of it must come into force only from the beginning of the fiscal year.

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