
Components of flavourings are usually presented by xenobiotics – improper to the living organisms chemical compounds, that not get into the people`s organism with natural products. Every xenobiotic, getting into the organism, can be included in metabolism, influence the genetic material of the cell and therefore lead to more or less important consequences. This work is dedicated to detection of possible mutagenic activity of synthetic flauvoring «CHERRY AS00640» with using pro- and eukaryotic test-systems. Induction of chromosome aberration had been studied in two test-systems Allium cepa and Mus musculus using recommended by producer day dose and also doses that was tenfold increased or reduced. In the test on the meristem cells of onion roots at the different concentrations the chromosome aberrations level under the flavouring action had been exceeded control value. Among the anomalies the most often were double fragment that are the result of deletions and the single and double dicentrics formation as a result of translocation processes. On the mouse bone marrow cells preparations were detected aneuploidy cells and also modificated sets of chromosomes. Results of this test correlate with the results received by us in ana-thelophase test on A. cepa , in all cases were observed dose depended effect. Tests for induction of dominant-lethal mutations in Drosophila melanogaster have showed that chemical components of «CHERRY AS00640» flavouring may lead to the emergence of varied changes in genes and chromosomes, which are responsible for normal passing the spermatogenesis processes. Whereas the flavouring components usually are presented by xenobiotics that in higher eukaryotes organisms may be total or partial biotransformed that are presented by whole complex both enzymatic and spontaneous transformations. It had been conducted researches by us using the Ames test both with and without metabolic activation on Salmonella typhimurium. On the Ames test without the metabolic activation was detected induction of gene mutation in comparison with the control under the all studied dose only by the frameshift mechanism. According to the research results with the adding microsomal fraction of homogenate of the rat`s liver mutagenic activity with the using of TA-98 strain was not detected which evidence of possibility of formation less active metabolites in the transformation processes in comparison with source ingredients of flavouring which thus leads to decrease the risk of genotoxic effects of native product.

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