
The relevance of the research lies in the need to overcome the dependence of Russian agriculture on imports of foreign technologies. The country has problems with effective interaction between enterprises and research institutions in R&D, knowledge sharing and commercialization and possibly marketing activities. The aim is to identify the factors that hinder the innovative development of agriculture in Russia through support, and to propose measures to improve its effectiveness. The current number of results of intellectual activities is not sufficient for Russia with such a large potential of agro-industrial sector. Its positive dynamics is due to the low base effect and increased government funding of scientific organizations. Russia has two poles of farms in terms of the level of implementation of innovative technologies. Small farms are less active in mastering them, in contrast to large farms. The study uses comparative analysis, monographic method, and expert evaluation method. Firstly, the paper reveals the extent of intellectual activity in Russian agriculture. Secondly, the survey demonstrates the dynamics of the level of innovation activity of organizations in Russian agriculture. Thirdly, the research presents the specific weight of subsidies in the total amount of expenditures on innovation activity. Fourthly, the article outlines the place of financing of research and institutes, education in the structure of support of general services in Russia. Fifthly, the author gives the recommendations on improving the efficiency of innovation support.

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