
This article provides the results of a study of the problem of choosing scientific priorities in Ukraine, which today is becoming a complex political interaction of various social actors: the state, the scientific community, business structures and different social institutions. The increasing number of active players influences the expansion of goals and strategies for the development of science, which the state should synchronize through the formation of state policy based on innovation. The article aims to analyze the methodology and applied aspects of the choice of scientific priorities and to substantiate the principles and criteria of their formation in Ukraine. For the purposes of the article, the following research methods were applied: abstract-logical; system analysis; analysis and synthesis; graphical method. The article highlights the problems of predicting the development of science, applying methods of assessing scientific priorities in view of the needs of modern society and ensuring socio-economic development. In this regard, the principles, criteria and methods for the formation and selection of scientific priorities in terms of individual areas of scientific activity are substantiated. It is determined that the content of the scientific priorities should: meet the challenges that Ukraine may face in the medium and long term; take into account the emergence of new technologies that can significantly change the economy, living conditions and social relationships; focus on critical public needs and international development specificities, relevant risks and opportunities; cover sufficiently large areas, which should be limited in number. The results of the research concluded that the objectives of the scientific priorities are: concentration of financial resources to support research on critical scientific issues; improving coordination among the various scientific actors and facilitating the flow of extra-budgetary funds; stimulating demand channels for the results of basic and applied research; involvement of foreign scientists in research. The need to formulate a common systemic approach to the selection of scientific and scientific-technological priorities is substantiated.

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