
The purpose of the work is to analyze the network and bandwidth of the Automobile Roads of the Poltava region in order to establish the possibility of planning regional waste management systems. Methodology. In this paper, methods of finding information using modern digital technologies, systematization and analytical processing of statistical information, as well as methods of inductive logic to establish the possibility of using the Internet resources in logistical planning processes. Results. Within the framework of the tasks of the Regional Waste Management Plan in the Poltava region by 2030, the main attention is focused on the analysis of the possibility of organizing all stages of transport provided by the plan. In this context, the structure of the road network of the region is analyzed, indicated possible ways of using roads of various categories (from local to national) to organize waste transportation at all stages of the logistics process (from collecting waste in areas of settlements to the main transportation of waste between objects of the regional structure of handling with waste. Possible technological complications and technical and economic consequences of unsatisfactory road surface in most rural areas of the region are observed. These variants of possible partial and priority solution to the problem of unsatisfactory state of roads with prospective planning of the development of the waste transportation system are characterized. state of road covering from Internet resources of state specialized institutions and organizations and specialized sites of non-governmental organizations. Originality. Regional Planning Process Systems of waste management and logistics schemes for collecting solid household waste as the main structural and technological elements of these systems for the regions of Ukraine are currently located at the stage of becoming. The use of operational and promising information from open source resources for the purpose of medium-term and long-term planning is currently practically not applicable, although it has certain prospects. Practical value. The results of the research will be used in the development of a regional waste management plan in the Poltava region by 2030.

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