
The article reveals the organizational and legal mechanisms of strategic planning for the development of the united territorial community (OTG) in Ukraine in the current conditions of further reform of the public administration system in Ukraine and decentralization of power. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and legal mechanisms (methods and tools) of strategic planning OTG and theoretical definition of regional and local development as a process of consistent and sustainable change in the subregional environment in the context of modernization of Ukraine's own development management system and a new stage of existence. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical substantiation of the content and conceptual approaches to the process of strategic planning of OTG development in Ukraine and the formation of organizational and legal mechanisms of their activities when communities enter a new stage of their existence. Conclusions. It is established that strategic planning of OTG development should be understood as a special type of planning activity, which consists in the development of strategic decisions (in the form of forecasts, projects, programs and plans), which provide for the establishment of such goals, objectives and strategies of OTG development. Long-term operation and rapid adaptation to ever-changing environmental conditions. At the present stage of development, local authorities face a large number of complex, acute problems, on which the real formation and functioning of OTG depends. Addressing all current development issues requires a lot of management resources, leaving no room for the involvement of specialists in strategic community development. This leads to the accumulation of problems, does not create a ground for qualitative changes and loses the competitive advantages of territories and individual OTG. In such a situation, when local executive bodies and local self-government bodies make administrative decisions independently, the development of territories becomes, first of all, a matter of the territorial community itself. This determines the need and prospects for the introduction of effective strategic planning at the level of OTG, precisely in the conditions that exist today in Ukraine. It was found that strategic planning as a function of management is an attempt to take into account in advance, if possible, all internal and external factors that provide favorable conditions for the proper functioning and development of the object of management. Planning - is to determine the parameters of the management process based on the comparison of information about the needs of the environment in the results of activities and its capabilities, taking into account the development of the entity, aimed at achieving the goal, and the plan - is a quantitative reflection of goals and develop ways to achievement. The objective state and nature of strategic planning of OTG in Ukraine as a component of public administration in countries with developed market relations, the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of strategic planning of OTG development are analyzed, it is established that the optimal combination of strategic planning and public management socio-economic potential of regions and subregions.

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