
The article examines the message "Tales of Begone Years" to clarify the circumstances surrounding the life and actions of Prince David Igorevich of Volyn in the context of the history and culture of Rus-Ukraine at the turn of the XI XII centuries. In the process of preparing the article, the works of domestic and foreign researchers are thoroughly studied, in which the figure of David Igorevich is directly or indirectly considered in the context of the history and culture of Kievan Rus, its Volyn lands, in particular Pohorinnia with its center in Dorogobuzh. The changing fate of David Igorevich in the dramatic events in ancient Russia after the death of Yaroslav the Wise in 1054, associated with the open opposition of the prince to the elder Yaroslavych and their sons for possession of his hereditary homeland Volyn lands. The article publishes the author's personal view on the circumstances of the tragic event - the blinding of Prince Vasylko Rostyslavych of Terebovlia in 1097 and the participation of David Igorevich in this crime. Despite the rather negative attitude of his contemporaries and the corresponding assessment in domestic and foreign historiography, it should be acknowledged that David Igorevich was a "hero of his time", a courageous, brave, but also insidious man who openly challenged the powerful princes of Russia. In our opinion, he had objective reasons to fight for his dynastic rights when the elder Yaroslavychs appropriated the Volyn lands that belonged to his father, Igor Yaroslavych. In the feudal conflict in Russia at the turn of the XI XII centuries. David Igorevich was defeated, lost most of the previously acquired lands and, obeying the decision of the congress in Uvetichi in August 1100, lived to his old age (died in 1012) as the owner of Dorogobuzh and Pohorynnia.

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