
Over the past thirty years, service delivery through public-private partnerships has enabled the government to make significant strides in health, education, water, construction, and transportation. Many of the benefits of such projects have been reported in reports from the National PPP Center, although discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of PPPs have long focused on achieving public policy goals. To achieve maximum benefit, PPP projects should be designed with specific performance improvements in mind, within a framework that shares risks and rewards between the public and private sectors. The Russian PPP market is considered complex and quite developed. Nevertheless, despite the sufficient level of development of PPP in the Russian Federation, the lack of effective approaches to measuring the effectiveness of projects was noted as a factor that gives rise to problems associated with corruption and guarantees. According to the reports of the Ministry of Economic Development, the lack of an effective methodology for measuring the effectiveness of PPPs is the main reason for unsatisfactory demand in the construction sector and natural monopolies. There is a widespread belief that performance evaluation plays a critical role in business planning. Based on this, this study conceptualizes a dynamic model for measuring the performance of public-private partnership projects.

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