
The article deals with the peculiarities of civil identity of students in the Far East in the context of growing divergences within society with regard to life perspectives. Awareness of the significance of students' civic identity acquires the importance of a marker for predicting the future. The research sample includes 186 students of Transbaikal and Primorsky Krais aged 18 — 35. The results of the analysis indicate the importance of national-civil identity for student youth and the absence of direct correlation between national-civil identity, territorial identity and indicators of physical and economic security, life and self-satisfaction. Students of Zabaikalsky State University clearly demonstrate a strong civic (Russian) identity, positive civic self-identification, and commitment to traditional values. Independence of judgment, confidence in economic and physical security, and satisfaction with oneself and life are characteristic of students of Far Eastern Federal University. No significant differences are observed in the manifestation of ethnic tolerance.

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