
Civic education is determined by the process of national revival and is an important means of forming the unity of Ukraine, which is the core of the Ukrainian national idea and involves the unification of different ethnic groups and regions of Ukraine for the purpose of building and improving a democratic state and civil society. The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of civil society in Ukraine, thanks to the influence of civil culture and value orientations, which is extremely relevant. Scientific approaches to the concept of "civic culture", "value orientations" and worldview-psychological characteristics of the individual, humanistic pedagogy, which is conceptually aimed at the harmony of collective and individual elements of civic life, at the culture of a true vision of human relations, understanding the role of each individual in systems are considered. : "citizen - state", "citizen - society". The important role and influence of civil culture on all aspects of the life of societies was revealed, that civil society is a society of citizens with a high level of economic, social, political, cultural and moral traits, which together with the state forms developed legal relations; a society of equal citizens that does not depend on them, but interacts with them for the sake of the public good. The main functions that play a key role in the formation of personality are highlighted, such as: integrative, identification, or self-identification. A function related to the regulation of individual behavior. A function where values play the role of standards or criteria for choosing from available alternatives that are inherent in any situation of human action. It was determined that civic education should be considered in a complex with the main concepts: "civil society", "civic education", "citizen", "citizenship", "civic culture". Civic education is an organic subsystem of national education and is closely related to patriotic education, and civil society is possible only under the condition of "inclusion" in the process of civic education, which involves the creation of new educational systems. Therefore, civic education is aimed at forming conscious citizens, patriots capable of building a democratic civil society in Ukraine.

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