
In the first part of the article, the author reveals the theoretical substantiation of the problem: aspects of the patriotism of an Orthodox Christian as a virtue, a spiritual and moral quality. The phenomenon of patriotism is presented in the context of the works of the Church Fathers of the 19th and 20th centuries and the main provisions of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church; the canon of the Orthodox view on the problem posed is adhered to in substantiation. For an objective understanding of the semantic essence of the concept of patriotism, the author turned to scientific literature, explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries, philosophical and pedagogical works of compatriots. Having analyzed a number of scientific points of view, the author states about the spirituality and religiosity of patriotism, highlighting the semantic connection with morality. In the second part of the article, the author examines the effectiveness of the use of paintings of battle, historical, portrait and everyday life in the process of patriotic education in Sunday school. The article reveals the content and characteristics of problem-value communication, describes the stages of the methodology based on problem-value communication in the process of cognitive conversation based on the painting of patriotic themes: the first stage is cognitive (the contradictions between acceptance and rejection, admiration and indifference are resolved); the second stage is evaluative-semantic (evaluative-semantic activity is carried out - the correlation of new ideas, concepts, values, with already existing and previously acquired knowledge and value attitudes and beliefs); the third stage is motivational and activity (the child appropriates a personal spiritual and moral meaning, in which the basic national value - patriotism, becomes valuable and significant, a regulator of the patriotic mentality, a motive for action). The author reveals the potential of the methods of art pedagogy: “the method of unity of perception and creation in artistic action”, “the method of getting used to it” or “the method of revitalization”, describing the process of emotional and sensory empathy with the main characters of paintings.

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