
DIMENSIONSThe main aspects of the overall evolution of the concept «architectonics» from the emergence of its prerequisites and the moment of coining to the present day are considered in the paper. It is highlighted that the foundations of the ap-pearance of the concept «architectonics» date back to the era of antiquity in Greece. Plato`s and Aristotle`s doctrines have been especially instrumental in the formation of the general ideas about systematicity, orderliness, and integrity. Plato`s categories «Ideas (Forms)», «Unity», «Harmony», «Universals» would be useful to the following generations of thinkers, who would discuss architec-tonics. Aristotle emphasized that not only the structural components of a work are important, but also the connections between them. The ancient Greek philos-opher basically prepared the foundations of the concept of architectonics without using the term itself. The term «architectonics» appeared in Marcus Vitruvius’ treatise «Ten Books on Architecture» (Marcus Vitruvius «De architectura libri decem»). According to the principle of parity Vitruvius derives three main laws of architecture – strength (endurance), utility (convenience), and beauty. They were universal in nature and could be applied to works of art of various kinds.The next stages of the concept development occurred in the theoretical works by Philip Sidney, George Puttenham. The concept «architectonics» was especially productively developed in the works of Immanuel Kant, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The concept was further developed in general works on culture studies, including those by Oswald Spengler, Nicolai Hartmann, Roman Ingarden, György Lukács, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Paul Sartre, Gilles Deleuze, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.In contemporary literary studies architectonics is generally considered as the ordered overall integrity of the text and work of literature based on the har-monious correlation of all substantive and formal elements. Architectonics de-termines and correlates the choice of individual elements from the standpoint of the overall organization of the text. The composition is implemented through the qualities of sequence and subordination in the internal arrangement of existing structural elements of the text. The presence or absence of certain elements, the specifi cs of their functional purpose determine the features of the structure.

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