
A study on how fire officer's job satisfaction factors influence space satisfaction rates. This article will conduct regression analysis for the study on these three problems. 'What are the factors of fire officer's job satisfaction?', 'Does space satisfaction rates influence job satisfaction rates?', 'Which job satisfaction factor influence space satisfaction rate?' Therefore, variables were set based on the prior study, and before regression analysis was conducted, variables were purified through analysis on primary factor and reliability analysis, and hypothesis test was done via variable calculation. According to the prior study, factors that influence job satisfaction rates are as following; self-regulation of tasks, ethics and responsibility level, relationship with colleagues, job identity. And regression analysis showed that space satisfaction rates do not influence job satisfaction rates. The writer thinks that it's showing that Korean fire officers tend to prioritize colleague relationship and job identity over space improvements. And the factor that influence job satisfaction rates turned out to be the self-regulation of tasks, and the writer estimates that it's reflecting the hierarchical organization culture of current Korean fire officers. Therefore, future Korean fire station design plans need to consider a space plan that provides fire officer's private self-regulation of tasks.

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