
Annotation: This article considers the main aspects of various forms of violent acts in the family and domestic sphere. The issues of the concept of this category, the causes and conditions that give rise to these antisocial acts are studied. The nature of domestic violence resulting from its various manifestations, the peculiarities of the sphere of family relations itself that limit external intervention, the need of taking into account the circumstances of committing these offenses, the specifics of the actions of prophylactic subjects in a typical situation of suppressing domestic violence are focused upon. The characteristics of these subjects are given. The work provides the research of their activity characterized by legitimate interference in a special sphere of private life – family and life; a high level of aggression in domestic conflicts aimed at both family members and law enforcement officials; the need to use additional professional skills: communication with victims (including children, elderly people, etc.) and aggressors, entry (penetration) into the home, first aid, mutual insurance, etc. The attempts to consider the theoretical foundations of the concept of domestic violence, the study of its signs and tactics of prevention are made. The basis for this study was the modern methods of cognition, allowing the author to identify patterns of development of certain social groups (micro collectives).

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