
With a new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, cancer patients with malignant neoplasms are the most vulnerable group of people. Cancer patients are at a higher risk of severe COVID-19, and for them the vaccination of a new coronavirus infection is crucial. For cancer patients, the study of the effectiveness and safety of vaccination of a new coronavirus infection in large groups was not carried out. The available recommendations are based on data obtained on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in the general population, as well as on the study of the effectiveness and safety of other vaccines in cancer patients. It is believed that the potential benefits of vaccines against a new coronavirus infection outweigh the risks and therefore vaccination in these patients is recommended by cancer communities. All guidelines for the immunoprophylaxis of a new corona-virus infection in patients with oncopathology are temporary and will change as new data become available. It is necessary to personalize vaccination against COVID-19 in cancer patients. The problem of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in cancer patients requires in-depth study, conducting clinical tri-als from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine and evaluation on a sufficiently large number of patients.

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