
This article analyzes the history of studying the problem of patriotic education from the ethno-pedagogical side. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the ideas of the classical teacher, as well as the analysis of the works of Soviet teachers. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the concept of patriotic education in folklore works is considered in connection with the materials of Kyrgyz folklore. The points set out in the article will be useful to those who conduct research in the ethno-pedagogical direction and conduct school education. Our awareness, education, professionalism, material and economic development should be accompanied by transparent morality, civilized behavior, internal spiritual culture. It became clear that society is only improving thanks to the conscience and responsibility of every citizen who is the motherland. With pure faith and a generous spirit, our society would have pure governance, pure creative work, peace, harmony and stability. Today, the primary task on the national scale and the necessary social needs of our society is the adoption of spiritual and moral education of citizens, future generations, the development and implementation of its concept, strategy.

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