
كتبت أريكا جونغ روايتها ، خوف التحليق ، عام 1973 ، وهو العام الذي شهد ولادة المرحلة الاولى من الحركة الحديثة المطالبة بالمساواة بين الجنسين والتي تميزت بنمو شعور الوعي والتمرد والاهتياج .
 إن الهدف من هذا البحث هو أن نستقصي موقف الرجال والمجتمع الامريكي برمته للنساء . يبين البحث كذلك كيف انه من الصعب للمجتمع أن يحافظ على الادوار التقليدية الممنوحة للنساء والرجال ، والتي بدورها تدعم المجتمع الابوي كآيديولوجية . لذلك فإن الرواية تعكس مواقف النساء كونها نموذج للأدب المطالب بالمساواة بين الجنسين تجاه هذه التقاليد الاجتماعية من خلال بطلة الرواية ، إيسادورا ونغ ، التي ينظر اليها على انها تجسيد للوعي الانثوي الجديد


  • Written in 1973, Erica Jong's Fear of Flying as a story has a great impact on the cultural scene of that year

  • Even Isadora's last name, i.e. Wing, "underscores the significance of the novel's major theme and symbol."14 the question that the novel raises is that Isadora should conform to the desires and expectations of her husband, sisters,and parents, the values and norms of her society, or rebel, i.e., escape these norms, traditions and home, "the space most closely associated with the female" and "transgress the boundaries of proper behavior."15 Isadora's desire for freedom," independence, and liberation from the structures that oppress a woman,"16 is set in the first chapter, entitled "En Route to the Congress of Dreams or the Zipless Fuck," that serves as a catalyst for her search for it

  • While in Vienna with her second husband, Bennett Wing, to attend an international conference for psychoanalysts, she becomes infatuated with or interested in another man, Adrian Goodlove, whom she openly pursues. Being unhappy in her marriage, she willingly surrenders to her restless desire and to the sexual fantasy of "zipless fuck" which she creates and which she believes has met at the conference in the person of Goodlove, who daringly grabs Isadora's ass upon their first meeting

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Written in 1973 , Erica Jong's Fear of Flying as a story has a great impact on the cultural scene of that year. It is clear that the fault is attributed to the American society and its institutions that support the idea of keeping women in the line or in their places.Women are supposed to be contented by their feminine roles, and if they show their inability to adjust to the roles they are given, they will be considered as unfeminine and deviant "from natural female psychology ."9Thus ,the result of the society's intention of fitting women into roles not chosen by themselves is that women are put in terrible and "intolerable conflict between their own conception of themselves and the way others observe and categorize them." Because of sexism and the society's unwillingness to look at women as autonomous creatures or beings, they start to suffer "from an image of the self that paralyzes" their will and their right to live as independent individuals .Sharing acquiescently in the "society's patriarchal definition of them" as inferior beings confined to bear children and serve the family, women, step by step, become unable to live by themselves and begin to lose their sense of self-hood ,autonomy and self confidence Tired of such acquiescent , seething housewives, Jong introduces a new kind of female protagonist, who tries to break free from the traditional American "perceived role of a wife," act and live according to her own premises.

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