
Features of the economic-geographical position of the border regions are manifested, on the one hand, in their territorial proximity to foreign markets, international resource flows and infrastructure, and on the other hand, in their location on the periphery of the national spaces of neighboring states. In this regard, the economy of the borderland, in comparison with the inland regions, is more closely integrated into the international agenda and is more dependent on the permeability of the state border. An important component of the competitive potential of border areas is the development of the transport and logistics system, including its ability to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of international passenger and cargo transportation. The global course towards the digitalization of all social relations has also influenced such a traditional area of economic activity as transport. The growth of digital literacy and accessibility of the Internet, the expansion of the variety of information and communication channels and specialized digital services have created new opportunities for the border regions of neighboring countries to develop cooperation in relation to cross-border mobility of the population and joint management of this process. The digital environment is becoming an increasingly important component in maintaining the transport and logistics connectivity of border areas, and its development is accompanied by the generation and accumulation of an increasing amount of digital data about users. This article proposes an approach to assessing the geography of the interest of internet users of the border region in cross-border movement based on the analysis of big digital data. On the example of the Kaliningrad region (exclave territory of the Russian Federation), the level of attractiveness for Internet users of transport routes, covering the settlements of neighboring countries—Poland and Lithuania, located no further than 100 km from the border, was analyzed in the period from midJanuary to mid-March 2022. The data source is the Yandex Wordstat service. Based on the results of a study of search queries in relation to 194 cities of the Polish and Lithuanian adjacent border areas, two main types were identified—the final points of the route and transport hubs with outgoing mobility to other cities and countries. In total, the interest of users from the Kaliningrad region covered 130 international destinations. The conclusion is made about the transport connectivity of the border regions of Poland, Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region of Russia, however, the digitalization of this process remains off-system in nature.

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