
POSSIBILITIES OF NONTRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN ADDITIONAL TREATMENT FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT O. О. Rechkina, O. V. Strafun, М. О. Polianska, М. Р. Budyonna Abstract Oxidative stress plays an important role іn the pathogenesis of airway inflammatory diseases. Multivitamin preparations containing antioxidants, nutritional supplements are significant support in the fight against oxidative stress. The healing properties of one such supplement, badger fat, have been known for centuries. It is used in folk medicine as a natural and effective agent with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and general strengthening effects. The main active components of badger fat include unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, especially A, E and D. Vitamins of these groups enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of unsaturated fatty acids, and also exhibit high antioxidant activity, while unsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3, omega-6), help to improve metabolic processes and tissue trophism, exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The article presents the characteristics of the dietary supplement “Borsukovy zhyr”, the results of studies of its effectiveness and tolerability in the complex treatment of chronic bronchitis and AE COPD, as a component of therapy of adults and children with bronchopulmonary diseases, showing its effectiveness, safety and good tolerability. The supplement can be used in the complex treatment of bronchopulmonary pathology in both adults and children as a safe source of fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Key words: oxidative stress, antioxidants, dietary supplement, badger fat.

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