
To improve the efficiency of oil wells with the use of fracturing technology, fractures created during fracturing are filled with a proppant (proppant). In this case, the efficiency of oil recovery of wells increases due to the prevention of the closing of cracks under the influence of rock pressure. As a proppant, various ceramic materials are used in the form of granules with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.2 mm. For the production of proppants it is advisable to use waste from metallurgical production in the form of slags formed in various melting units - blast furnaces, converters and steelmaking furnaces, as well as in the production of ferroalloys. The storage of these slags requires large areas and is associated with environmental problems. In this article, we studied the possibility of obtaining high-strength magnesian-quartz proppants from a mixture of blast furnace slags with additives of non-deficient natural materials, quartzite and magnesite. The technology of obtaining proppants is tested in laboratory conditions. The slag mixture was melted in an induction furnace with a graphite crucible. The melt was granulated on a specially developed centrifuge. The granules obtained are tested in accordance with the main indicators specified in the standard. The macro- and microstructure of proppants, water absorption, crushing resistance, acid resistance have been studied. In all respects, with the exception of acid resistance, proppants showed quite acceptable properties.


  • Шлаковую смесь расплавляли в индукционной печи с графитовым тиглем

  • To improve the efficiency of oil wells with the use of fracturing technology, fractures created during fracturing are filled with a proppant

  • We studied the possibility of obtaining high-strength magnesian-quartz proppants from a mixture of blast furnace slags with additives of non-deficient natural materials, quartzite and magnesite

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Металлургия техногенных и вторичных ресурсов

ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ РАСКЛИНИВАЮЩЕГО МАТЕРИАЛА (ПРОПАНТА) ДЛЯ НЕФТЕДОБЫВАЮЩЕЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ ИЗ МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКИХ ШЛАКОВ. Введение Использование пропантов – гранулообразного материала, применяемого в нефтедобывающей промышленности в качестве расклинивающего элемента для повышения эффективности отдачи скважин при использовании технологии гидроразрыва пластов, непрерывно увеличивается. Цель работы – разработка состава и технологии пропантов для нефтяных скважин на основе шлаковых отходов металлургического производства. Адилов Г.А., Поволоцкий А.Д., Зырянов С.В., Рощин В.Е. 2. Структура пропантов с разным содержанием MgO, % масс.: а – 6, б – 11, в – 16 проводили на гидравлической машине для испытаний на сжатие. Пробу пропантов просеивали на лабораторном вибраторе в течение 10 мин через набор сит номеров 12 и 20 для фракции 12...20; 16 и 20 (фракция 16...20); 16 и 30 (фракция 16...30); 20 и 40 (фракция 20...40); 40 и 70 (фракция 40...70). Для определения сферичности и округлости пропанты насыпают на лист белой

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