
At the present time, the most relevant issues are the assessment of the ITSVP when choosing the option of building the ITSVP at the stage of communication planning. Evaluation of ITS is not an end in itself, but serves as the basis for a quantitative substantiation of the decision to organize communications. This determines the urgency of the problem of choosing an option for building a military information and telecommunications system. Complex systems (which also include the communication system), being in different conditions (situations, modes), reveal different system properties, including those incompatible with any of the situations separately. However, one cannot be neglected, since each characterizes some property of the phenomenon under study, and none of them can be accepted as the only one, since it does not express all its properties. The development of a formal apparatus for solving parametric problems of assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of a communication system provides for a systemic relationship of contradictory indicators. Based on this, an improved methodology for choosing an option for constructing an information and telecommunications system for military purposes is proposed, which differs from the existing one in that the person who makes a decision to organize communications, from certain possible options, chooses a rational one through the use of methods of analyzing hierarchies and taxonomy.

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