
The paper considers a hybrid technology of compaction of a powder composition (PC) in a metal shell: drawing and pulse-magnetic crimping. А technique of computer simulation of such static-dynamic process has been developed. Based on the simulation results, a visualization picture of the process of deformation of the pipe and the powder composition contained in it has been developed. The resulting visualization picture of the process made it possible to describe step-by-step the compaction mechanism and its dependence on the degree of deformation of the pipe during drawing and on the value of theThe paper considers a hybrid technology of compaction of a powder composition (PC) in a metal shell: drawing and pulse-magnetic crimping. А technique of computer simulation of such static-dynamic process has been developed. Based on the simulation results, a visualization picture of the process of deformation of the pipe and the powder composition contained in it has been developed. The resulting visualization picture of the process made it possible to describe step-by-step the compaction mechanism and its dependence on the degree of deformation of the pipe during drawing and on the value of the energy of pulse-magnetic crimping. The achieved packing density, which characterizes the quality of compaction, has been determined. The results of the work are used in design of a new technology. energy of pulse-magnetic crimping. The achieved packing density, which characterizes the quality of compaction, has been determined. The results of the work are used in design of a new technology.

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