
Quality assurance and accreditation are essential components of higher education in Afghanistan. By evaluating knowledge-producing institutions and correctly applying quality enhancement criteria, valuable steps have been taken toward scientific innovation in the country. There are specific indicators for knowledge production and quality enhancement that, together and by adhering to scientific standards, contribute to the practical production of high-quality knowledge. High-quality knowledge production is not possible without the internal coherence of these indicators and elements, which essentially requires the proper alignment of the criteria. The main question is: What is the role of aligning quality assurance and accreditation criteria in knowledge production? It appears that aligning quality assurance and accreditation criteria has a positive impact. This research utilizes a descriptive-analytical method and relies on library resources, articles, and reputable websites. Findings show that aligning quality enhancement criteria in Afghan higher education includes: strategic planning with a forward-looking perspective towards the realities and existing conditions in knowledge-producing institutions, providing effective strategies and tactics for knowledge innovation, contributing to societal development through the education of specialized and knowledgeable workforce, investing in creating an appropriate environment for scientific research by faculty members, staff, and students, as well as providing technological facilities and equipment to facilitate better learning and acquisition of knowledge. These efforts have led to a significant scientific transformation in the higher education system.

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