
The article analyzes the promising directions of development of social movements to support the innovative evolution of the population’s life safety system. The key aspects of the activities of veterans organizations aimed at the transfer of life and professional experience are considered. The assessment of practical experience and prospects of joint actions of volunteers in areas of large-scale disasters with the use of the latest innovative technologies is carried out. The role of social movements in the implementation of modern approaches in the education of younger generations, increasing the involvement of all segments of Russian society in the formation of a culture of life safety and improving the new quality of socio-economic development of the country’s regions is studied. Based on his own practical experience, the author comes to the conclusion about the absolute effectiveness of cooperation between the state and public organizations, involving volunteers in ensuring the safety of life. The analysis of the necessary measures on the part of the state to ensure full cooperation with volunteer movements is carried out, and a set of measures to achieve these goals is proposed. Creation of stimulating conditions for public voluntary fire protection associations at the level of the Russian Federation’s regions as a unique public-rescue institution is noted.

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