
The efficiency of woodworking enterprises largely depends on the size and qualitative characteristics of round timber. The paper aims to assess the main inventory characteristics of round timber in economically accessible forest areas of Arkhangelsk region. The studies were carried out at a number of large enterprises in Arkhangelsk region using a modern VECTOR 3D photometric scanner. Measurements were made on the line for sorting logs by diameter at the warehouses of raw materials. There were examined 18,931 sawlogs. The length of each log was 6 m. The diameter range of round timber was from 10 to 42 cm. As a result of experiments, the average diameter of harvested logs of pine and spruce were found and the parameters of curvature, taper and bark content were determined depending on the top diameter of round timber. The region continues to trend a gradual decrease in the average diameter of round timber, the value of which in the considered period 2014–2018 varied in the range of 11–16 cm. Simultaneously with a decrease in the average diameter of round timber, the curvature, taper and bark content are reduced, which may indirectly indicate that wood under the age of ripeness is involved in industrial production. If in the 2000s small and medium-sized timber was harvested mainly from the tree top, today, it can be assumed that the source of such timber is young trees that have not reached the age of industrial ripeness but grow near the road infrastructure. Changes in the dimensional and qualitative characteristics of round timber are of a system nature and are makings for the modernization of the machinery and equipment used by logging enterprises and sawmills. In the context of reducing the average diameter of round timber, in order to maintain current performance and volume output of sawn timber, it is necessary to increase feed rates and introduce an optimization system resulting in provision of individual cutting of logs in accordance with their size and shape.For citation: Tambi A.A., Ugryumov S.A., Birman A.R., Chernogradskaya I.A. Dimensional and Qualitative Characteristics of Round Timber Harvested in Arkhangelsk Region. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 4, pp. 147–156. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-147-156

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